Keeping Things Simple During the Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I want you to walk into it feeling and keeping both your peace and and joy. Let’s talk about how you can keep things simple during this holiday season so that you can spend more time enjoying your family and friends and less time stressing out. Remember, you are in control of how you want to spend your time and energy in this season and every season.

Know Your Priorities and get over FOMO: There is no way you can do everything. Although tempting, you will have to decide what you can commit to and what you can’t. FOMO aka Fear Of Missing Out will have you feeling overwhelmed before you even decide what you want to do. Here is a policy that I stick with, if what I am committing to is not followed by peace I don’t go. I’ll elaborate a bit. We get invited to things and we want to go and not disappoint others but in the process we often neglect ourselves and our own needs. So if you feel like the pressure is on and you know you need to give yourself some space and time to rest DO IT. You will never regret making yourself a priority. Send your best wishes and ask the host to remember you for future invites.

Plan Plan Plan: I have already gone over my calendar for the month of December and I am not adding any more social engagements at this time and the first time this article will be read is on December 3rd. For me knowing what is coming down the pipe will help keep me sane in a season where things can be a bit hectic. I’ve also began to plan my Christmas meal and I will be placing orders for specialty food items by the end of the week. This way as things come up I already know what I have to do and I can make adjustments according to what is left to do.

Share the Load: You don’t get brownie points for being the sacrificial lamb nor does it help set expectations for others. It’s okay to want things to be great for your family, however if what you are doing causes you to feel completely burdened and burned out then you are doing too much. Sharing the load also teaches others to be helpful and gives our loved ones opportunities to contribute to our celebrations. Outsource what you can so you can be a part of your celebration just as much as everyone else.

If you want more information on Simplifying your life check out podcast Episode 8 Keeping Things Simple with Kelsey Vankirk