Embrace the Now

It is #equiptipstuesday! I hope your week is off to a great start. My week started off with a list of infinite things to be done. So many that I was having a hard time even following mine own advice and writing everything down. Ever experienced feelings of complete overwhelm and a need to get all the things done all at once at the exact same time? Let me just tell you that not only is that not your inner voice but it is also not the voice of God.

I want to challenge you in those moments of overwhelm to remember that you are loved whether you have zero things to do or so many things to do that if you were to sit and write them all down you'd be here all week.

So this week I want to challenge you to think about your process. Each and every one of us was created to do great things on this earth, now where you fall in that process depends a lot on your perspective. We can choose to embrace where we are or we can totally fight against it. Either way we are making a choice.

I remember not to long after I had the twins I still felt like this can't be my life...4 kids 5 and under, I am completely overwhelmed. How do I be me, how do I balance all the things, how do I....? That's when I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to stop running. I would never find solutions burying my head in the sand and running from what was my reality. On that day I decided little by little I would be still and listen to instructions from the Lord daily.

So here is what this looks like practically for you:

Whether you are in a season where everything is going your way and all is well or you felt like me on that day I said "this can't be my life!" There is strategy for you to embrace to be successful, content, and at complete peace. Because let's face it even when we have an abundance of good things we can still feel a little on the overwhelmed side of things.

  1. Have a verse to remind you of who you are in Christ. Write the word, this is the best way to get it in your mind and make it a part of you.

  2. Focus on the NOW. Don’t wish this season away. There are beautiful lessons for you to learn and strength for you to gain.

  3. Keep Your Perspective Positive: What you focus on grows! If you tell yourself “it’s the worst!” believe me it will be. When I had 4 under 5 it was a great reminder of how full my life was and how God entrusted me with all of this responsibility that I could learn to manage well.

  4. Enjoy the moments. Before you know it you will be looking at a different season. Although this one may seem like you’ve been there for a while, life has a way of showing us that is moves way faster than we intended and I don’t know about you but I don’t want to live with regrets.