learning to delegate

The Gift of Delegating

Does the thought of delegating projects, whether in the home or office, send you into a panic attack? Years ago, I remember having an opportunity to have a leadership position for a job while I was in college. When I started the job I was so overwhelmed by all of the tasks that needed to be done in order to make the job run smoothly. I remember chatting on the phone with my dad one evening about my frustrations. He let me go on for a while and then said to me, “Sounds like you need to learn to delegate.”

That sat with me for a minute because I always considered myself a team player, but in that moment I learned that I now needed to learn the art of leading a team. Great leaders know the importance of delegation. There are so many benefits to delegating both in the home and workplace.

I’m going to give you a few tips on how to ease the stress of handing projects over, which will free up your time and allow you to do the things you love. Delegating also gives you the opportunity to be a blessing by teaching your family or coworkers new skills.

Delegating is a win-win when done properly. Many of us don’t like to delegate because we don’t want to give up or lose control. When we look at delegating from this perspective, we are creating space in our lives for stress, anxiety, and not living life to the fullest!

I’ve heard so many excuses when it comes to delegating ranging from it takes too long to teach, how can I justify giving someone else this work, if I show them how to do it what will I do? I could go on for days, but I think you get the gist. Often times I work with clients on mindset shift. When we shift our minds to see the blessing in delegating, we are able to let go of things that may bless other people to do for us.

When I first became a mom I remember feeling a bit burdened by all of the things I had to learn to do. Seven months into motherhood, my husband and I decided to make a huge cross-country move. Although I was excited, I knew that I was going to a place where I didn’t know many people. I had planned ahead for as much as I could (I joined a mommy group before we got to our new city and looked forward to the fact that we would be seeing some family more regularly) but I was still a bit overwhelmed by what felt like motherhood being 24/7!

One day I remember, after what felt like a really long day, telling my husband, “I really feel like I need some help at least 5-10 hours a week.” I remember this day as if it were yesterday. I was sitting in my car in the parking lot of a grocery store and I was TIRED! I had never really let anyone watch my baby before, but somewhere deep down inside I knew that I needed to ask for help so that I could be a great wife, mommy, and friend.

I had recently met a family friend who suggested a friend that could watch my son for a few hours. Because this recommendation came from someone I knew I could trust, I didn’t pine over whether or not this was a good idea. I interviewed the sitter, taught her my routine, and about a month or two in I started leaving the house for a few hours a week to get some much needed alone time!

I tell you this story because there was a process. Many people are afraid to delegate because they don’t have a process. Sure it took me some time to work with the sitter on a routine and expectations, but once I did I could go out knowing my baby would be well taken care of.

So, what area of your life should you be delegating some projects? Let’s get started with helping you seamlessly move from doing it all on your own to receiving help that will be a blessing for both you and for whoever God sends your way!

Create systems and do some planning

In order to be able to delegate, you cannot work from a place of chaos. You have to have systems in place so that you can bring in the support and help you need. If you are not naturally a planner don’t stop reading and get frustrated. This is a great area to grow in.

Take small steps towards planning. Start with a small project you could use help with. For example, recently I had pictures sitting in my guest room that I kept telling myself I needed to hang. I purchased all the materials to get the project done, but couldn’t find the space to take the hour out of my day to hang them.

I called our babysitter and had her hang them. Planning requires knowing the strengths of those you are asking for help. So be sure to learn the strengths of those God places in your life! He puts you in relationship with others for fellowship, collaboration, and accountability.

Know your strengths

Do you know what would be the best use of your time? When we know our sweet spot it is so much easier to give up those things that bog us down. Again, start small if you must and be ready to give kind feedback to whomever you are delegating to. People are more inclined to help you when you validate as well as show appreciation for their help. Also, giving small projects first gives you an opportunity to see how they work.

Plan to be hands on in the beginning

When you first turn over a project to someone else, plan to be available to give feedback as well as help if there are some areas for troubleshooting. This even includes teaching your kids a new skill! Often times we get frustrated when those who we give a project to don’t get it right.

Make sure you’ve invested enough time to aid in their success. Remember their work is a reflection of you, so make sure they are properly equipped. Side note: this is not a license to micromanage, but to ensure they have everything they need to be successful.

Enjoy your new freedom

Once you’ve delegated, don’t sit around wondering whether or not the job is getting done. Use this new freedom to work on the things you are gifted to do! As you delegate more you will begin to enjoy the blessing that comes out of giving others opportunity to learn and become stronger in their abilities.

It blesses me so much to be able to see others walk out their strengths! I would love to hear from you.

What is a project that you can delegate today? Tell me in the comments below!